My new single “Small Change” is out now.

I wrote Small Change when one of my best friends kept telling me all these sad stories about how her boyfriend was treating her… And I just wanted to shake her and wake her up so she could see what I saw that this guy was not worth her time and would never make her happy but end up hurting her. It’s a song from one friend to another, urging her/him to realize that the dysfunctional relationship they’re in isn’t worth their time and won’t ever change.

Hailing from the vibrant arts scene of Manhattan, Susannah B is a multifaceted artist with a rich legacy. The proud daughter of celebrated Broadway composer/lyricist Carol Hall, her roots in the world of the arts were firmly planted from a young age. She showcased her innate talent by gracing off-Broadway stages and captivating audiences in New York City clubs. Relocating to Los Angeles furthered her artistic journey. She has performed at many of L.A.'s most iconic venues, including Hotel Cafe and the Catalina Jazz Club. Susannah's collaboration with India Carney on "I Am Here" is an excellent showcase of her songwriting and cinematic flair, serving as a backdrop for "Daddy’s Eyes," where the duo stars. Susannah B will unveil a cover of Billy Joel's "Vienna” in anticipation of her upcoming album. Whether onstage, behind the mic, or onscreen, Susannah B's talents continue to inspire.